October 21 – Mental Health

This month we celebrate Mental Health Week (Oct 9-16).This year has been full of ups and downs, in lockdowns, then out of lockdowns, and then thrown back into another. We have certainly been feeling the pinch of the ongoing lockdowns here at Northside and we can see the impact that it is having on our local community too. It’s important in these times that we all rally together and look out for one another. High levels of emotional and mental stress can play a significant role on our physical health and wellbeing, therefore it is important that we address all aspects of our health when dealing with injury/pain. 

Connie, Hayley and Matt enjoying a Sunshine Walk together

Connie, Matt and Hayley have given their top three tips on managing your mental health in lockdown:

  1. Exercise – 30 minutes a day is all you need, get out, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air 
  2. Drink plenty of water 
  3. Aim for a minimum of 6-8 hours sleep 

If you are struggling during these tough times, don’t be afraid to seek help, here are some useful links that will help guide you in the right direction:

Book an appointment