November 24 – Professional Development Updates

Over the course of October/Early November, Physio’s Hayley and Roland upskilled in their knowledge on the upper limb, completing professional development courses on the shoulder, head and neck. 

Roland’s completed a course on the shoulder joint. In particular, looking at shoulder joint dysfunction, management of shoulder instability and stiff shoulder pathologies. Through this, Roland was able to learn specific manual therapy and taping techniques for the shoulder joint. He has also added some creative exercises to his toolkit to give to those patients presenting with shoulder stiffness, dysfunction or instability

Hayley completed a head and neck course in early November. Topics covered included, postural head and neck pain, headaches, dizziness and temporomandibular joint (jaw) pain. This course covered manual therapy techniques to provide relief to the shoulder, neck and jaw. Additionally, she is now equipped with additional exercises to enhance the movement of the upper limb, taking pressure off the neck and upper back in patients presenting with head and neck pain.

If you are suffering from head, neck or shoulder pain, both Hayley and Roland are available full time at Northside Physio. Bookings can be made online or by calling 9942 8903. 

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