Northside Physio News

April 24 – The Vestibular system

Roland, our newest member at Northside physio, has just completed his training in vestibular dizziness and vertigo. Here is some general information about the vestibular system and dizziness that may help you to get the right treatment for your dizziness. 

What is the vestibular system? 

The vestibular system is an organ in the inner ear that is designed to detect movement of the head and your position in relation to gravity through microscopic hairs. These hairs detect movement of fluid in 3 separate loops, called semicircular canals, in each ear as you move your head. Additionally, separate vestibular organs called the utricle and saccule crystals to weigh down and put pressure on these hairs in the direction of gravity or movement – the same way you would use the bubble in a spirit level to check if something is level. 

What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)?

BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is a common condition where heavy crystals from the Utricle fall into the semicircular canals and get stuck. This commonly occurs with changing position such as rolling over in bed and going from sitting to standing. 

Often people will get dizziness and a sense of spinning while rolling in bed, sitting up from lying or looking up. This is caused by the heavy crystal moving over the hair and over stimulating the one ear. Due to the over stimulation, the ear gives misleading information to the brain, which can give people a false sense of movement, hence causing the spinning sensation. Risk factors include low vitamin D, history of migraines or Meniere’s disease, a family history or prolonged bed rest.  

How can Physiotherapy help?

BPPV is the most common cause of dizziness and vertigo. It can be assessed and treated with specific positioning of the head to reposition the dislodged crystals back into the utricle. 

However, there are many other reasons why you may get dizziness and vertigo. A Physio will help you identify contributing factors, potential triggers and causes for your sudden onset of dizziness. A physio will conduct a thorough physical assessment, testing your vision, eye movement and head movement as well as placing you in various positions to determine which side is most affected to further direct treatment. Treatment will usually consist of canal repositioning techniques as well as advice and education for self-management and vestibular retraining.

In some cases, referral to appropriate medical practitioners such as a GP may be necessary to determine if additional medical management or imaging is needed in conjunction with physiotherapy or to rule out any non-musculoskeletal pathologies. If you are getting acute hearing loss, blurred/ double vision or severe headaches associated with your dizziness/ vertigo you should see your GP or local hospital. For more information contact the clinic or ask to speak to Roland to see if you are appropriate for vertigo physio management.

March 24 – Footy’s back!

The team at Northside physio is getting excited with the footy season kicking into action. Everyone is keen to show their colours and knowledge in the office footy tipping competition.

Connie, being born and raised in Queensland, started following Richmond Tigers when she moved down to Victoria and was told she needed to back a Melbourne team so that she can watch them play regularly at the MCG. 

Hayley was heavily involved in local footy as a kid and ended up following St Kilda as they were the same colours as her local footy club. 

Roland’s dad and brother were proud Essendon Bombers supporters and he quickly followed the boys in the Essendon vs Richmond family rivalry. 

Having no idea about the game, Natalie joined her son in law in supporting the Sydney Swans as he is a mad Swans supporter. 

Zoe and Kayla both follow the Geelong Cats and would sometimes go and watch the games at Kardina park together as kids. Zoe’s family also has links to the club as her grandfather played for them in the 1950’s. 

Finally, having a very die hard Collingwood supporter for a father, Kelly had little choice but to support Collingwood.  

We look forward to the season, and crowning Northside Physios first tipping competition winner! 

February 24 – Back to Sport

With the silly season coming to an end, kids are back at school and sport is starting to ramp up again. Winter sports season will be here before we know it. Here are our top tips to help keep yours or your child’s body in working order in the lead up to the season:

  1. Load management – Prioritise at least 1-2 rest days per week to avoid getting overload injuries. We commonly see overuse injuries later on in pre-season and in the early part of the season due to a significant increase in training/running and inadequate rest. 
  2. Prioritise Stretching and Mobility – One of the most important elements of recovery. We encourage you to stretch through your mid back, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quads after each training session to keep your body mobile and avoid stiffness. 
  3. Re-visit Footwear – Have you been playing sports or exercising in the same pair of shoes for over 12 months? You may want to consider updating your footwear to avoid any niggling lower limb pains early on in the season. 

If you need help dealing with a pre season niggle or child’s growth spurt, please book in for a consultation with us!

January 24 – Summer Break

The team at Northside Physio had a lovely break over the Christmas New Year period with many getting away and enjoying the sunshine.

Connie took some well-deserved time off, visiting Lake Macquarie NSW for the first time, enjoying her time at the beach.

Hayley went up to the Murray River for a weeklong getaway, spending some down time with friends and family. She enjoyed a few glasses of wine at the local wineries and had some fun swimming, jet skiing, and wakeboarding on the river.

Roland although working in the clinic throughout the Christmas and New Year break spent time catching up with family and friends at various birthday parties.

The reception team also took some time off. Nat had a relaxing break catching up with her parents who were visiting down from Brisbane. Kayla spent some time down the Great Ocean Road enjoying the surf and the sun. While Zoe enjoyed a beach getaway in Wye River with her family, completing many bushwalks and indulging in pub feeds.

The clinic is now back in full swing with Connie, Hayley and Roland available for bookings. The team looks forward to seeing everyone in 2024.

December 23 – Connie a MRS!

Connie & her bridesmaids on the streets of Fairfield

If you haven’t been into the clinic lately, you might of not heard the news! Our lovely leader and Northside Physio Director Connie got married in November.

As always, she kept it local and got hitched at Fairfield Park Boathouse (in Fairfield). It was a stunning day, and Michael and her couldn’t of asked for anything better. Together with their close friends and family they had a long weekend celebration, followed with a short honey moon in Margaret River WA.

Congrats Connie!

November 23 – Physio Roland

Welcome to the newest member of our physio team Roland! He graduated from Australian Catholic University in Ballarat and has worked in private practice since. Roland prides himself on using a combination of exercise and hands-on therapy. Roland is experienced in both clinical Pilates and dry needling. He spent the few years of his career working at Gippsland Physiotherapy, with a wide variety of patients and presenting conditions. 

A few fun personal facts about Roland: 

  1. In his spare time he is building model kit cars and talking about cars in general. He has a collection of model cars at home that he started building when he was 10 and has continued building to this day.
  2. Loves bushwalking and spending time in nature
  3. Is a self proclaimed home Masterchef, with exploring new cuisines and recipes.
  4. Is a massive sweet tooth, with a soft spot for cheesecake and vanilla slice.
  5. Played multiple different sports as a kid including swimming, golf, archery (in which he picked a silver medal in state championships), badminton and soccer. Roland still enjoys playing soccer and has played for his same local club in Trafalgar intermittently for 19 years.
  6. Big fan of fantasy movies and literature, being inspired by his mum who is a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings. 

Roland is in the clinic 5 days a week from Tuesday to Saturday. You can book online or give us a call to book an appointment.

October 23 – Half Mara Hayley!

Physio Hayley got a late call up to run the half marathon at the Melbourne Mara this year! Somewhat prepared Hayley got on her shoes and ran an excellent time of sub 2:20 (when you know, you know). She ran the event with 40,000 other humans who have been training for this event.

This is her second half marathon this year after completing the Great Ocean Road half marathon. Well done to our superstar Hayley!

August 23 – 3rd Birthday

On Friday August 4th 2023, Northside Physio celebrated their official third birthday. We closed the clinic for the afternoon to go celebrate together.

The afternoon started at Pinot & Picasso where our non creative brains were put to the test. Some faired better then others in the paint department. We moved onto a roof top bar in the CBD, and then to an Asian fusion banquet. Many drinks were had, bellies were full and as always, lots of laughs.

Thanks to Kristy from Baked by KB for our awesome birthday biscuits for the third year running. Thanks to anyone who stopped by our two opening mornings for the new expansion next door. Looking forward to our next social outing together as a team.



There has been plenty happening behind the scenes here at Northside Physio in the last couple of months. We are proud to formally announce that we have expanded and now have an additional treatment and Clinical Pilates space next door to the clinic which we will often refer to as “next door”.

Connie has been working tirelessly in the last couple of months bringing this space to life and adding her own unique touches. This space will act as an extra treatment room for Womens and Pelvic health patients, as well as an additional space for 1:1 Clinical Pilates appointments. 

We can’t wait for you all to see our new space! We will be hosting two open mornings for a cheeky look and a g’day: 
– Friday 4th of August (10am – 1pm)
– Saturday 5th August (8am – 10am)

If you wish to book in a Women’s Health/Pregnancy consult with our Women’s Health Physio Connie, please call the clinic on 9942 8903 or book online at:

June 23 – Understanding Cholesterol

In recent years, cardiovascular diseases have become a leading cause of morbidity and mortality
worldwide. Among the numerous factors contributing to these conditions, LDL cholesterol has
gained significant attention. LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol is often referred to as the
“bad” cholesterol due to its role in the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

What is LDL Cholesterol?
LDL cholesterol is a fatty substance produced naturally by our bodies and obtained through certain
foods. Its primary function is to transport cholesterol from the liver to cells throughout the body,
providing them with necessary fats for various physiological processes. However, excessive levels of
LDL cholesterol can lead to health problems.

The Role of LDL Cholesterol in Cardiovascular Disease:
High levels of LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream can gradually accumulate within the arterial walls,
forming plaques. These plaques, composed of cholesterol, fat, and other substances, narrow the
arteries and restrict blood flow. Over time, this process, known as atherosclerosis, can significantly
increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular complications.

Managing LDL Cholesterol:
Maintaining healthy LDL cholesterol levels is crucial for cardiovascular health. Here are some key
strategies for managing LDL cholesterol effectively:

  • Healthy Diet: One of the most effective ways to improve your cholesterol level is by tweaking your
    diet towards addition of functional foods such as those high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated
  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in physical activity regularly helps increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein)
    cholesterol, the “good” cholesterol that helps remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. If you
    can, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight plays a vital role in managing LDL cholesterol levels. Losing excess weight, if necessary, can help reduce LDL cholesterol and improve overall cardiovascular health.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking damages blood vessels and lowers HDL cholesterol levels, making it even more important to control LDL cholesterol through other lifestyle modifications.
  • Medications: In some cases, lifestyle changes may not be sufficient to manage LDL cholesterol levels. In such instances, doctors may prescribe medications, such as statins or cholesterol absorption inhibitors, to help lower LDL cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular risks. You should always consider though the natural ways to manage this.

While LDL cholesterol is an essential component of our body’s functioning, high levels can pose
serious health risks. Understanding the role of LDL cholesterol and adopting a healthy lifestyle,
including a better diet, regular exercise, and weight management, can help keep LDL cholesterol in
check. Remember, the right knowledge and the right support can go a long way in safeguarding our
heart health.
Download the Elerio app now and our dietitian Mike O’Sullivan can help you improve your
cholesterol with his 8-week program.
Text NORTHSIDEPHYSIO to 0418 663 226 for download link and begin your nutrition journey

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