February 22 – Connie’s Holiday

This month physiotherapist Connie took a 2 week break to explore beautiful Tasmania. Her top 3 highlights are as follows

  1. MONA – Museum of Old and New Art:

If you haven’t been, it’s definitely for the bucket list. The artwork alone is amazing, but the architecture of the buildings and grounds are absolutely stunning. Not only do you get to enjoy art, but relax with an in-house microbrewery, winery, live music and five-star dining

2. Tasman Island Eco Cruise:

Getting to explore the Tasman Peninsula to see the vast cliff faces, under water sea caves, light house, seals, and dolphins is a breath taking experience. Worth the freezing cold and wet ride. Fact: The cliffs of Tasman Island and nearby Cape Pillar are in fact the highest sea-cliffs in the southern hemisphere

3. Wineries – all of them!

Everywhere you drive across the island, there appears to be another winery with eclectic wine makers willing to share their crop with you. Pinot Noir is a Tasmanian speciality!

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