January 22 – New Physio

Last year in December 2021, Josh joined our team as the new senior physiotherapist (in replacement for Matt who left in November 2021). Since then we were not able to formally introduce him due to the busyness of work and Christmas. Therefore, to help you get to know Josh, here are 5 facts about Josh you didn’t know:

1. He had never been to Melbourne prior to moving to Melbourne 

Based on what he had seen on TV depicting tram cars and street art, this was all Josh had known about Melbourne prior to moving over from NZ. Enticing way to move country! 

2. Favourite food – fried chicken

During special occasions like birthdays, family gatherings or celebrating special awards (not that there were many), Josh’s parents would treat the family to a family feast of KFC. Thus, to Josh KFC is more than just a delicious meal, it’s synonymous with happiness and good times. But now that Josh is a big boy and has money to spend, he is aware that if he is to eat KFC he must first train at the gym several times that week in order to avoid putting on excess weight. 

3. Josh was hit by a car when he was 6 

As soon as he got off the school bus, Josh looked one way but not the other. The reason for this? He was racing his brother to get to the TV remote before him.  Unfortunately, this mistake cost him a 6 week stay in hospital. However, Josh reports this event being one of the best times of his life. At the hospital he experienced first hand physiotherapy rehab treatment in learning to walk again. Plus, he got daily visits from famous rugby players and he got to watch all the Nickelodeon TV all day. (Only to find out he was banned from the TV for a month when he got home). 

4. Who is your favourite musician – Kid Cudi 

Kid Cudi is a rapper better known for his songs ‘Day N Nite’ and ‘Pursuit of Happiness’. But its his songs that most people do not know about that appeals to Josh as they speak about hope, believing in yourself and staying true to who you are. These were messages that helped Josh through his darkest times during university, living away from home, transitioning into adulthood and learning about responsibility (for self and others). 

5. Josh can speak 3 languages

English, Samoan and Italian. Although he is only fluent in English and can hold a conversation in Samoan, his Italian vocab is getting there. Besides the formal statements like hello and how are you, Josh’s Italian now stretches out to statements like ‘I’m very hungry’ or ‘I’m very tired’. Living with his partner’s Nonna he gets daily lessons at the dinner table. One day he hopes to visit Nonna’s village and learn about his partner’s family history.

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